SEN Information Report


SEND: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SENDco: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

ASC: Autistic Spectrum Condition

Rochdale Additional Needs Service (RANS)

TASC: Team for Autism and Social Communication

LA: Local Authority

ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

A copy of the SEND policy is also available on the website stating the schools philosophy on SEND in more detail. The schools 'Local Offer' is also available to read which states what we offer as a school. The Accessibility Plan is also on the website too.


The kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at Shawclough:

Shawclough is an inclusive school welcoming all children. We recognise that some children face certain barriers to learning. Our aim is to quickly identify such barriers children may face and provide an inclusive environment where children succeed.

Shawclough provides provision for children with a range of needs including:

  • Cognition and Learning (e.g. dyslexia tendencies)
  • Physical and Sensory (e.g. hearing impairments)
  • Communication and Interaction ( e.g. Autistic Spectrum Condition)
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (e.g. ADHD)
  • Health (e.g. medical conditions)

To enable school to effectively meet the needs of children with SEND Shawclough have...

  • A part time SENDco is employed to co-ordinate SEND throughout our mainstream school. Our SENDco, Johanna Chamberlain, has 25 year’s teaching experience including teaching children with SEND. She has completed a SENDco course with a prominent specialist, Jackie Lloyd, under the Real Trust Training in Rochdale. Plus many other courses related to the role of SENDco. She is currently studying for the SENDco National Award at Masters Level (due to be completed January 2023).
  • Our ASC Rainbow Unit SENDco and manager, Charlotte Keegan, has completed the National Award in SEND Co-ordination, Post Graduate Certificate in Inclusive Education and a Masters degree in Autistic Spectrum Conditions. She is also an experienced class teacher. She also has received local authority accreditation as an ‘Autism Champion’. 
  • A team of teaching assistants are trained to deliver high quality interventions e.g. reading interventions
  • Our ‘Woodland’ Room is managed by our Pastoral Leader, Beverly Sharp, who has over 16 year’s experience working with children with SEND including those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions. Bev Sharp is also a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
  • Our deputy head teachers, Vicky Rayment and Paula Wilson have completed a dyslexia course with Rochdale’s Educational Psychology Service in 2018.
  • School work very closely with outside agencies including CAMHS (formally Healthy Young Minds), Rochdale Additional Needs Service (RANS), Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Occupational Therapy Service, The Behaviour Team (Fair Access Team) and the School Nurses.
  • School will make reasonable adjustments to support children accessing the environment. This includes stair lifts to ensure children with specific disabilities are able to access the school environment appropriately.

How we identify individual special educational needs:

  • When pupils have already been identified as having SEND before they come to Shawclough, we work alongside the people who already know them and use the information already available to help identify what their SEND will be at our school setting.
  • If you tell us you think your child has SEND we will discuss this with you and check it out. We will share with you what we find and discuss what our next steps will be.
  • If our staff think that your child has a SEND this may be because they are not making the same progress as other pupils or may be struggling to follow instructions for example. We will carry out observations and assessments and decide on appropriate actions/interventions/additional provision.
  • Our aim is to involve parents/carers every step of the way to ensure we work together to effectively meet the needs of the child.

How we involve pupils and their parents/carers in identifying SEND and meeting the child's needs:

  • We are child and family centred, so any decisions made will be done together.
  • We will also take into account any issues your child may have at home and aim to work together to ensure we are all helping your child in the same way.
  • We create a ‘Provison Map’ for your child (see SEND policy). This will state the area of difficulty/SEND your child has and what exactly we are putting in place to support your child. Your child's ‘Provision Map’ will be shared during parents evening and will be reviewed termly. We welcome your input as parents/carers when writing and reviewing your child’s Provision Map.

How we adapt the curriculum/teaching approaches to meet the needs of children with SEND:

  • Shawclough provide an inclusive learning environment. We adapt our teaching approaches in order to meet the needs of all children.
  • All staff are trained to adapt lessons and use resources to meet the needs of all children to ensure every child is able to learn at their own level. 
  • We may use additional materials/resources to ensure children with SEND are working at the right level. Examples include access to a computer/laptop/I Pad to help with written work; teaching assistant support within the class; allow extra time for completion and voice recorders to support with written work. We also sometimes ability group in Maths and English. Phases 2 and 3 have an additional teacher employed within the phases to provide additional support for specific groups of children (e.g. SATS support in year 6).
  • We are highly trained in a number of interventions used for children with SEND. Examples of these include Precision Teaching, Read Write Inc 1:1, Reading/Writing/Spelling Intervention, Social, Emotional and Mental Health groups. 
  • We will seek advice from other members of staff and may also seek advice from other agencies (e.g. RANS TASC team).
  • Teachers may use a variety of resources to support teaching and learning, for example Numicon (Maths), interactive whiteboard, whiteboards, sensory resources, individual work stations, visual timetables.

Complaints procedure

We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as we possibly can through talking and working together. 

The complaints procedure is as follows:

  • The complaint is dealt with the class teacher.
  • If the complaint is not resolved then the complaint will be discussed with the SENDco and/or a member of the senior leadership team.
  • If there is still no resolution the head teacher should become actively involved.
  • In the unlikely event of the matter still being unable to be resolved then the complainant must put their complaint in writing to the Chair of Governors who will follow complaint procedures to help resolve the issue.
  • Following this a complaint can be made to the Local Authority.

Contact details for parents (Please also see Rochdale’s Local offer: )


SENDco ASC Rainbow Unit:

Charlotte Keegan (available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

01706 647991


SENDco Mainstream School:

Johanna Chamberlain (available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

01706 647991




Parent Partnership Service, Rochdale

Family Action, 25 Lingmell Close, Middleton, Greater Manchester, M24 4HS

0161 653 4461


Children aged 0-5

Area SENCO Team - Early Years, 4th Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

01706 926400


Educational Health CareTeam (EHC team)

Rochdale Borough Council, 4th Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU

01706 925981


Rochdale Additional Needs Service

RANS Leadership Team, 4th Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

01706 926400


Children with Disabilities Team

Children with Disabilities Team, 4th Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

01706 925900


Educational Psychologists

Rochdale Educational Psychology Service, 4th Floor, Number One Riverside, Smith Street, Rochdale OL16 1XU

01706 926400




CAMHS (formally known as Healthy Young Minds)

Birch Hill Hospital, Birch Road, Rochdale, OL12 9QB

01706 676000


Social Care

Number One Riverside, Floor 4, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

0300 303 0440

0300 303 8875 (out of hours)

999 (emergency calls)